
Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Male and Female 

Genesis 1:27 says, "male and female created He them."  The male-female dichotomy is part of the creative order from the beginning, and that dichotomy was there by God in the initial plan and intention for humanity.  Humankind was to glorify God and represent God's likeness and image, and humankind does this as "male and female".

That refutes any possible normalization of homosexuality, polygamy, or transgenderism.  It refutes the contempt, oppression, and abuse that men have so often directed toward women throughout history, but also refutes the rejection of gender distinctions and roles that is such a feature of our current age.

God made women to be female, to be distinct from men.  You cannot claim to be pro-woman if you are not pro-femininity.  This fact remains true both more men who hold women in contempt and women who hold their own femaleness, as God created it, in contempt.

More here, from Sunday's sermon.

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